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Facial Botox: know the technique that ends expression lines

If there is one thing that has been in fashion lately, it is the famous aesthetic procedures, which aim to give people a new look, and even restore lost self-esteem. One of these procedures, which has gained more and more notoriety in recent times, is the Facial Botox technique. This technique that claims to guarantee amazing results is the subject of our article.  

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What is facial botox?

What is this technique about? What is it for?

Do you know what botulinum toxin is? Not? Well, it is better known on the market, as Botox, and it is a protein, which is able to paralyze the muscles of the body, making the communication between certain parts of the body and the brain, simply stop. 

 But calm down, when it comes to applying Botox to the body, there is a lot of care with the correct dose, so that only the expression lines can be paralyzed. Women who suffer from the famous wrinkles, or chicken feet, can have their face of yesteryear back, with the application of facial Botox.  

Thus, this procedure is able to rejuvenate your face, leaving you to smile again and without any fear. Research shows that the application of Botox is the most non-surgical procedure performed in Brazil. All this volume is due to the fact that facial Botox is capable of generating surprising results, changing the life of many women's self-esteem.  

Uses of Facial Botox: 

As stated above, facial Botox is able to eradicate expression lines, such as wrinkles or crow's feet. However, there are other uses for this technique. One of them is the famous arching of the eyebrows, which consists of the application of botulinum toxin in the region of the eyebrows, repositioning the skin muscles.  

This treatment, which also serves to combat expression lines, is also able to reduce the effects of furrows and cavities present on the face. Because it is a painless treatment, and simple to apply, eyebrow arching has become one of the procedures with the use of facial botox, most sought after by women.  

Can facial Botox prevent fine lines? 

Have you ever heard the phrase: "Is it better to be safe than sorry?", well, know that it is totally correct, as it is much more simple, to prevent the appearance of certain ailments in our body, than to try to remedy it. them later. Facial Botox can be one of the best ways to avoid crow's feet or other types of expression lines.  

Well, as much as you take all the care in the world for your skin, your skin will inevitably develop certain marks. However, it is possible to reduce them to a point that they are almost imperceptible, with the use of facial Botox. 

The professional specialized in the area of esthetics, will apply facial Botox, in the points where expression lines tend to appear. This technique works as a way to prevent the effects of aging.  

However, there are some expression lines that facial Botox is not able to combat. A great example of these lines is the famous Chinese mustache, as unlike crow's feet or wrinkles, it does not form from the muscle, but from the loss of firmness of the skin, which contributes to the appearance of furrows and cavities in the skin. same.  

Surely you must have already heard about the lip filling procedure, right? Well, know that botulinum toxin is not used in it, as it is not able to fill cavities, unlike other substances, such as hyaluronic acid, for example.  

What precautions should I take with facial Botox? 

Let's give you some tips, so that you get the best results when using facial Botox

The first thing to do, if you are interested in this procedure, is to look for a professional with experience in the area, and also for their references. Otherwise, you may end up in the hands of someone, who is unable to adapt the application to your case, and you may have your expressions “frozen”. 

The “freezing” of expressions happens when there is an exaggeration in the application of the toxin, or when it is done in the wrong place, causing the facial muscles to be completely paralyzed. Also remember to always take care of your skin's health, before and after any type of cosmetic procedure. So, don't skip the steps of your skin care, you hear? 

We're sticking with it, but we sincerely hope that our content has been of great help. 

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