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Blur effect: What is it? What are its benefits?

Is there anything better than keeping your skin smooth and glowing? I don't think so, don't you? Well, there are several techniques spread around the world, which promise to revive the skin, leaving that aspect of lightness and softness in the complexion. So, today we'll talk about the blur effect, which guarantees to smooth out skin imperfections, such as fine lines or enlarged pores.  

But before knowing this effect, it is good that we first talk about one of the best options on the market when it comes to skin beauty: the capsules BeautyVip Hair. This incredible multivitamin is able to help skin elasticity, promoting an out-of-this-world glow and softness. No wonder that in such a short time, it has become known as the vitamin of the divas, being recommended and attested by the biggest influencers in our country.  

But as promised, today we separate this content regarding the blur effect, which has taken many women to beauty stores, looking for a more beautiful skin, and with a more natural effect. 

But what is the blur effect? 

Let's talk a little more about this effect under your skin.

Surely, you must have used some kind of photo editing program, right? Well, in this type of program, there is an effect, known as blur effect or blur effect, which consists of blurring certain points of the photograph, and when used on the face, it is capable of smoothing out some marks or expression lines.  

Well, this effect that was previously only present in the virtual world, now surpasses the barriers of computing, it is present in thousands and thousands of cosmetics, from the most varied brands around the world.  

The dermocosmetics that were developed with the blur effect technique, manage to block some light particles, making facial imperfections impossible to be seen with the naked eye. That way, when making a make-up, the famous crow's feet, wrinkles or other expression lines will not be as noticeable.  

If your skin pores are dilated, and your face is not looking very good, dermocosmetics based on blur effect, are able to make your skin look much better. If you are one of those with oily skin, and therefore suffer when doing your makeup and also when keeping it intact, know that these products can make the famous matte effect, that is, dry skin (in right measure) but still with an eye-catching shine.  

But remember that, in addition to using products with a blur effect, it is more than necessary to follow a very regulated skin care routine, and also bet on products that can control the opening of the skin's pores. The use of sunscreen is also important, as the oily skin it is bound to suffer even more from the effects of the sun's rays.  

 What makes up the blur effect products? 

The blur effect can be present in several products, such as primers or sunscreens. However, these products have some components in common, such as silicone for example. This substance is able to fill the enlarged pores, keeping them disguised or even completely camouflaging them.  

Dermocosmetics with the blur effect, are able to control the skin's moisture, making that exaggerated shine of oily skins, may not be as apparent as usual. However, just like using any other product in an uncontrolled way, the skin can also suffer from adverse effects when using products with the blur effect in an exaggerated way.  

Are there any other effects to disguise fine lines and oiliness? 

There are other ways to smooth out your fine lines, and also to make your skin look a little drier.

There are several other effects to mask skin imperfections. A good example of them is the matte effect, which we already mentioned above. The matte effect, like the blur effect, is able to soften the effects of oiliness on the skin. The fearful expression lines are also not left out, and can be a little less apparent, with cosmetics developed for this effect.  

As products based on blur and matte effect, are able to leave the skin with a drier touch, they are perfect for those who want to reduce the appearance of acne and pimples, since both are produced by the action of oil on the skin.  

The matte effect can even be found in lipsticks, which are a little more resistant to liquids, and have a much longer duration and effect than ordinary lipsticks. These products are more than suitable for you who want to enjoy a party, but still want to keep your makeup intact.  

That's it for today, we hope you enjoyed all our content regarding the blur effect. Remember to always keep your skin healthy with BeautVip Hair! See you next time! 

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