Blackheads on the Body: Learn How to Prevent and Treat

Everyone's dream is to have that smooth skin, without acne or acne marks, right? For this reason, people invest in skin care and other skin care routines in order to keep it healthy, clean and beautiful. Generally, care is directed only to the face and the body is forgotten, but having pimples and blackheads on the body is very common and equally uncomfortable. Taking care of the skin and also treating blackheads on the body is not difficult, but just like the face, it is necessary to pay attention and maintain regular and correct care. 

Acne is a problem that can affect everyone, but it is more common in teenagers, which causes great embarrassment for those who have them. Treatments are often simple and can range from home care to medical treatments. This will depend on the severity of the acne. In addition to the pimples and blackheads on the body and face, there are also spots that remain after the acne disappears, this is another unpleasant point. 

To treat the skin and keep hydration up to date, thus helping to reduce or even eliminate pimples and blackheads on the body and face, I recommend BeautVip. Its capsules have the vitamins and nutrients that the skin needs, leaving it healthier and silkier. And to complement it, making the skin on the body even more beautiful, my tip is beautVip Cel. An incredible gel that fights cellulite leaving the skin smooth and smooth. 

Pimples and Blackheads on the body 

Acne is very common in people with oily skin. It is an inflammation that can cause pain and itchiness, in addition to compromising the appearance of the skin. The face is the most affected area and consequently the most treated, but they also appear on the body and this also needs attention and care. It can have different causes, such as everyday factors or hormonal changes. 

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Differences between pimples and blackheads on the body and face 

Is there a difference between body and face acne?

The factors for the appearance of acne are the same in both, genetic factors, hormonal changes, bacterial proliferation and others, may be the main reasons for acne. Being exposed to the sun without protection can aggravate the acne situation. It starts from blackheads on the body or face and when they become inflamed, pimples develop leaving marks and scars when they disappear. It is more common in teenagers, but can affect anyone of any gender or age. It is ideal to seek a dermatologist for evaluation. 

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Caring for pimples and blackheads on the body 

Maintaining a skin care routine is very important, so set aside a time each day so you can cleanse and moisturize your body. Adhering to frequent care, your skin will revitalize, causing improved protection, as the pimples and blackheads care routine on the body includes cleaning, hydration and skin protection steps. It is extremely important that you look for quality products that are suitable for your skin type. 

Pimples and Blackheads Treatment on the Body

When a dermatological appointment is made, the doctor recommends the use of products such as antibiotics, vitamin A derivatives and acids. These are the best products when we talk about pimples and blackheads on the body. The degree of acne that the patient has will determine the type of product to be used, which is why a medical consultation is so necessary.  

To prevent, care is also needed (of course), so it is necessary to clean the skin and moisturize frequently. This procedure prevents makeup residues, dust or everyday agents from remaining on the skin and also increases the protection of the natural barrier. 

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Food has a lot to do with pimples and blackheads on the body, it's not even new anymore. So eating well, maintaining healthy diets is of utmost importance for the skin to remain young, healthy and smooth. Furthermore, we must remember the importance of water, not only for the body but also for the skin. Do not stop drinking water during the day. 

Exfoliation and Toning  

Maintaining skin care is very important and should be done frequently.

This is a step in the schedule of skin care and it can also help a lot in reducing pimples and blackheads on the skin. Exfoliation is that process where a product full of pellets or with a texture equal to sand is passed. It aims to remove dead cells that are present on the surface of the skin. When it is done, the dermis is more revitalized, shiny, soft and beautiful. It is recommended to use it once or twice a week 

On the part of toning it is necessary to look for quality products, as it is in this part that residues that could not be removed by soap, such as pollution residues, are removed. It also helps to unclog pores, balances the skin's pH, prevents pimples and blackheads on the body and face and even prepares it for possible use of products.