Biostimulator: learn more about this trend

When you reach a certain age, you should certainly start to be concerned about your appearance, whether with hair loss, changes in the look of the body and especially the skin, with the appearance of wrinkles and other undesirable problems. You started to notice the appearance of sagging skin and loss of structure, but don't worry, there are currently several ways to get around this situation, in order to rejuvenate your skin, because of this, today we will talk about the biostimulator , new market trend.

But before you know what a biostimulator is, first we need to show you and recommend the BeautyVip Hair, essential product for you who want to treat your hair. BeautVip Hair will be a great ally in combating breakage and falling of your hair. Because of this, BeautVip Hair is your best ally in the search for those so dreamed of well-cared for, treated and jaw-dropping look, as it guarantees you several benefits, whether in treatment, hydration, appearance or even in the growth of your hair.

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If you are worried about your skin situation, right after reaching a certain age, don't worry, as this is normal and what you should do is as much as possible to feel good, whether with treatment, be it with procedures to change the structure of the skin or even with the biostimulator, a product that has been conquering its space among the people who most need to correct their skin, leaving them satisfied, as its result is incredible.

Understand what the biostimulator is.

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What is biostimulator

But what is a biostimulator? The biostimulator is a product that contains poly-l-lactic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, which are very important in the action on your skin, the biostimulator is widely used by dermatologists. But actually what is a biostimulator? It is a product or substance that aims to stimulate the production of new collagens, which are applied to your skin as an injection.

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If they are applied to the skin for collagen production, they help the skin, don't they? Correct answer, it aims to treat your skin and stop it from melting, restructuring your skin correctly.

Collagen production occurs as the fibroblast moves to an ideal location, making sure it is the best place for it to promote production, as it is responsible.

Where the application is made

We will now tell you where the application occurs in your body, the biostimulator must be applied in bone regions, ensuring greater support in relation to malleable areas, consequently ensuring a better structure of the contours of the cheek, jaw and even in the eye area.

 The application also helps those who want to correct minimal areas or who want to have a change in relation to their face, in a way having an action similar to the process of harmonizing the face, as it reduces open pores, reduces skin sagging and improves the fine lines, thus ensuring a more homogeneous face, without appearing artificial.

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But don't think that it works only on the face, as it also helps you in different areas of the body, such as the neck, abdomen, thighs and so on. In the neck, it treats the flaccidity present, reducing the conversation considerably, in the abdomen, it is recommended after pregnancy, smoothing the belly area as a whole, also recovering the aspect of the post-pregnancy navel.

Find out how the biostimulator is applied.

But then, how is the application of the biostimulator done? Doctors prescribe a 45-day interval between one application and another, using cannulas and needles, most commonly using cannulas. Before starting the application, the dermatologist applies an analgesic so that the discomfort is normal, but don't worry, because the biostimulator itself has an analgesic composition. Following the application, massage is recommended, aiming to maintain the skin's uniformity.


You can see the effect of the application 3 months after starting the procedureSo then, don't be fooled by the immediate result. Soon after you discover the pros of applying the biostimulator, you will definitely feel more relaxed about the product, taking away all that fear.

So, pay close attention to the text explaining what a biostimulator is and its benefits.