Biodegradable packaging

Over time, sustainability has become an issue discussed by companies and consumers, and it is an important issue, as packaging that is not biodegradable is the main culprit for clogging up landfills and dumps. This clogging causes an enormous negative effect on society, and may even proliferate diseases and the appearance of urban pests.

Biodegradable packaging is seen as a great solution to this type of problem, as they disintegrate automatically, reducing the volume of garbage in the streets and manholes, thus reducing the level of urban pests and diseases caused by the accumulation of garbage.

Some Brazilian companies already use some types of biodegradable packaging, BeautVip is also included in this, as it uses biodegradable packaging from its manufacture until the product is sent to the final consumer.

Anyway, in this article we will explain more about this type of packaging, and some available options to consider. Check out:

What makes packaging biodegradable?

Biodegradable packages are those that have the activity of aerobic microorganisms, these microorganisms reduce the packaging to 2 millimeters in a maximum time of 3 months, that is, they automatically disappear over time.

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Differences between biodegradable and compostable

It is very normal to confuse these 2 terms, but to facilitate understanding it is worth considering the argument: not all biodegradable packaging is compostable, but all compostable packaging is biodegradable.

Unlike biodegradable packaging, compostable packaging, in addition to degrading over time, ends up generating water, carbon gas and humus.

There are arguments that demonstrate that biodegradable packaging may not be as beneficial to the environment, for example, biodegradable packaging needs to be taken to composting plants to have its functional biodegradable effect.

However, even if taken, there may be a logistical problem, since there is a lack of public investment for this form of recycling to really work.

An effective solution for this case is to guide the common consumer to have their own homemade composting system, which is very simple and cheap to be elaborated.

Some types of packaging with biodegradable technology

PLA packaging

Many tests, which aim to identify the effectiveness of a specific component, already have alternatives that do not require the use of animals. Many companies became cruelty free brands, as they considered the preservation of nature, and updated their procedures.

PLA is a type of biodegradable plastic that aims to replace conventional plastics, it has differences from others, which is easy recycling and also ease of use, it can be used, for example, in food packaging, making bags , packaging of some cosmetics and so on.

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Its disadvantage is that it is not made to withstand high impacts or high temperatures.
Its degradation time is from 6 months to 2 years, and after being dissolved it becomes a lactic acid, a non-toxic substance that is even produced by some mammals.

It is worth remembering that it decomposes only when it is discarded in composting centers, because, as informed, these centers are special for this type of disposal to really have a positive effect on the planet.

cellophane packaging

This is a little less talked about, but it is also important in terms of packaging, this one is composed of cellulose, which is a vegetable component 100%. This makes it compostable and biodegradable.

It is also used to pack dry cosmetics, souvenirs and food, this paper becomes familiar when remembering our trips to stationery stores.
The disadvantage of this material is that it cannot be used to pack more watery substances and unfortunately it cannot be recycled in selective collection.

paper packaging

This type of packaging is logically also made of cellulose.
This packaging is a little more traditional, it has been around for over 10,000 years, and is still a great biodegradable option today, and its biggest advantage is that it can be easily recycled, as its material makes this process much easier.

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This all means that even though it is not sent for composting, it can be recycled normally by traditional (collective) collection.

Vegetable residue-based packaging

There are several types of packaging that can be created using vegetable waste, they can be used, for example, sugarcane bagasse and packaging made with mushrooms! There are hundreds of possible material options.

Each of its repair forms has different characteristics such as strength, impermeability and resistance to high temperatures, which can be different depending on the material used.

In short, the correct statement is that this type of packaging tends to be biodegradable and compostable.

Its disadvantages are the high price, and its biggest advantage is the decrease in the impact of materials caused on the planet.

The future of packaging is certain, over time we will abandon the use of conventional plastic and we will use materials that do not negatively affect the planet so much, in Brazil this culture is growing over time, and is greatly encouraged by companies.

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