Benefits of chia: Find out what this seed has to offer

Being considered a super food, the benefits of chia are diverse. This seed turned and fell in the favor of the people due to the good it does our health. It also brings great advantages for aesthetics, as it has properties that improve and strengthen the skin. Just like the squeaks, the BeautVip chia benefits are varied and acts on hair, skin and nails. I guarantee that with this duo, you will rock.

Chia is a popularly named seed of the Salvia Hispanica L. plant and comes from the midwestern region of Mexico to northern Guatemala. It has its composition, omega 3, antioxidants, calcium, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals that make this food an excellent nutritional supplement, natural and economical.

It arrived in Brazil arousing interest for its nutritional value and was soon incorporated into the diet of Brazilians as the "miracle seed" as it is linked to weight loss and muscle mass gain, although there is no scientific evidence to confirm these claims. But the benefits of chia go beyond that.

Some current research shows us that the seed contains about 25 to 38% of oil in the composition, being much of pro omega-3 and pro omega-6. There are researches on the benefits of chia that claim that chia seed is the largest source of omega-3 found compared to other sources known in nature, being even greater than the amount found in linseed which is 57%.

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O Omega 3 it is a very important nutrient for brain functions, as the brain's 60% is made up of fat, especially Omega 3. Deficient intake of this fat is associated with greater memory loss in the elderly and with high levels of feelings of anxiety and depression.

chia benefits

See below the benefits of consuming chia

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

That's because it has omega 3, which works in the body by reducing inflammation, controlling cholesterol levels and protecting the body from cardiovascular and brain diseases.

regulates cholesterol

It has been said that chia has insoluble fiber. This means that they do not dissolve in water, so when consumed they can help to eliminate the fat present in food, being eliminated naturally through the faeces.

Prevents premature aging

The antioxidants present in the seed fight free radicals, preventing cell aging. These help delay and sometimes even prevent the action of free radicals in cells, preventing damage that in the long term can lead to the development of disease.

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strengthens the bones

It is a source of calcium. It helps to strengthen bones and is especially indicated in case of osteopenia, osteoporosis, or after a fracture.

Where to find and how to consume:

You can find it in health food stores and compounding pharmacies. Oil, seed and flour are sold. It is a very easy-to-use product and can be added to cake, pancake, yogurt, salad recipes, or enhanced in other recipes.

With that in mind, we have separated 3 recipes so you can enjoy the benefits of chia in the best way.


recipes for you to stay healthy in the best way

refreshing drink


  • 2 liters of water.
  • 6 lemons.
  • ½ cup of sugar.


1 cup of chia, after adding the sugar to the water, add the juice of the lemons and the previously soaked chia until it has acquired the viscosity of a sponge.

Chia sauce for salad


  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds.
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed with sea salt to taste.
  • 1 lemon juice.
  • 1 tomato (without skin and without seeds).
  • 1/2 cup (tea) of water.


Beat ingredients in a food processor and use as a seasoning.

Chia pudding with chocolate

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or your favorite milk alternative)
  • 4 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 4 tablespoons of agave, brown rice syrup, maple syrup or stevia to taste
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (NOT chocolate powder please!)
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
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  • In a container (to make less crockery dirty I suggest making it in the pot that will store the pudding) place 2 tablespoons of your milk, vanilla extract and cocoa powder.
  • Now mix until the chocolate is completely incorporated. It may take a while, but eventually it mixes well. (I recommend mixing cocoa with a little milk exactly because it takes a long time to incorporate, and when it has less liquid it mixes much faster).
  • Once everything is well mixed, add the other ingredients and stir for about 3 minutes. You will soon see the consistency of the chia begin to change.
  • After everything is mixed, cover and refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
  • After the 15 minutes has passed, mix the pudding again.
  • Repeat this 2 times. (What this will do is help the chia mix well with the liquid and allow you to break any bubbles it may contain. If you just drop the chia into the liquid and put it in the fridge, the chia will all go down to the bottom and the liquid will stay on top. Result? A chia stone! That's not what you want).
  • It takes 4-6 hours for the chia to suck out all the liquid and get the best possible consistency.