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Avoid overdoing your skin and hair care

You've probably heard that everything too much turns out to be bad, and in fact, there are many times in life when "one is good and two is too much." This has also become the norm in skin and hair care. Sometimes we overuse beauty products and end up doing harm rather than helping. Today's main tip will be to avoid overdoing your skin and hair care. In this article today, we'll bring you an alert about skin and hair care, stay with us for more details.

You must have that friend, who has very oily skin and therefore washes her face with facial cleanser several times a day, believing that this will reduce the oiliness of the skin. Sometimes we overuse beauty products and end up doing harm rather than helping. Well, excessive self-care can be a big mistake! In order not to overburden your skin and hair, pay attention to the six exaggerated phenomena in skin and hair care. They are more harmful than beauty.

Avoid overdoing your skin and hair care, but don't give it up. When we say that you need to reduce the use of some products, you are not supposed to stop and never use it again. Properly caring for the skin and hair is essential. A product that can be of great help and become your ally is BeautyVip Hair. This product is made up of vitamins and nutrients that are essential in routine skin and hair care.

The capsules are incredibly efficient in replacing the vitamins that are lost on a daily basis, they help protect against external aggressions, revitalize the hair and skin, moisturize, give shine to both, fortify the hair, reducing hair loss and leaving the strands less brittle and still accelerates growth. In addition to all this, it also helps to strengthen the nails. Is he or is he not the ideal companion in the skin and hair care routine?

This product must be consumed once a day, between breakfast and lunch. As it only has natural compounds, its use does not have a time limit and can be used for as long as you want and/or find necessary. Reinforcing that it is recommended that you take one capsule a day. Remember: Avoid overdoing your skin and hair care.

Exaggerated hair mask:

Although some products are part of the skin and hair care routine, in this case, to maintain the healthy hair, should be used with care, as the results of exaggeration may not live up to expectations. For example, the frequent and excessive use of a hair mask can make the hair heavy and dull, in addition to thickening the strands too much. Avoid overdoing your skin and hair care to keep them always beautiful and healthy.

This is because hair masks are concentrated solutions, so they can act quickly and deeply, so if used frequently, the product will eventually accumulate in the hair causing them to become rigid, opaque and brittle. For example, thicker hair should only be treated with a hair mask once a week.

Experts indicate that thin hair must follow the steps of the hair schedule correctly, as long as it has been done exactly for this type of hair. The hair mask should only be used from half of the lock to the tip, as it is the driest area of the hair, always avoid the roots. Many root products increase the oiliness of the scalp, causing problems such as dermatitis.

Excess washing:

Many people, especially those with oily skin, abuse facial cleansers to reduce the shine on the face. The ideal is to wash your face in the morning and at night, nothing more. Excessive washing more than twice a day alters the skin's protective barrier, resulting in a dry feeling and increased oil production.

Yes, excessive washing will alter the skin's natural oil production, thus altering the protective barrier and making the skin more susceptible to drying out. On the other hand, skin susceptible to dryness produces a more oily sensation, which is a compensatory response by the body. This is understood as aggressiveness.

If this oily feeling exceeds the critical point, the skin will go from dry to extremely oily. And regardless of your skin type, hydration is sorely needed. I use good quality products suitable for your skin type. Therefore, avoid overdoing your skin and hair care.


The frequency of facial peeling is a factor that depends on each skin type, the season of the year and the procedures and treatments used at the time. It is necessary to pay attention to the interval, so as not to irritate the skin and not cause the rebound effect, that is, the opposite effect, which stimulates oiliness and makes the pores open.

Experts say that in dry skin, if exfoliants are used in excess, the tissue can turn red or sensitive as the natural lipid layer that protects and defends the tissue is removed. Facial scrubs should be applied at night after cleansing and only once every 15 days, with a gentle massage to the skin. On very oily skin, the exfoliant can be added to your skin care routine up to twice a week.

This type of product should not contain too many abrasive substances, which can scratch the skin. These substances can cause microcracks or wounds, which can unbalance the integrity of the skin barrier and favor the reproduction of microorganisms. If using chemical exfoliants, see a dermatologist for a good evaluation.

All of this can lead to loss of homeostasis, leading to dermatitis and eczema. Often, under the guidance of a dermatologist, drier skin should be removed once or twice a week. Preference is given to fine particle preparations with natural particles related to soothing and moisturizing substances. Mild acne and oily skin can flake up to 3 times a week. After exfoliation, it is important to use astringent tonic with an anti-inflammatory effect and immediately complement it with moisturizers based on water and pastes.

Use many skin care products:

Using one cream after another in your skin care routine won't do any wonders. Regarding skin care creams, anti-aging agents, moisturizers and sunscreens are products that the skin on the face really needs. Beauty procedures that contain too many products can cause major problems, such as difficulty in penetrating the ingredients and closing the pores.

Also, when too many products are used randomly, it is easy to fall into chemical incompatibility errors. This can cause skin problems such as dermatitis and dryness, and it can also cancel out or reduce the effectiveness of cosmetics. When you undergo treatment with a dermatologist, you can add antiaging effects to the moisturizer in the same product, and the doctor will pay attention to these actives.

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