Esthetic procedure for stretch marks: Which is the most suitable for each case?

Stretch marks are the aesthetic problems that women most seek to combat, for sure. However, when choosing an aesthetic procedure for stretch marks, many of them have doubts about which is the best, which is the most suitable for each type of skin, and which is the most suitable for the various types of stretch marks. That's why we've separated here for you the most suitable procedure for each case, so that you can successfully fight stretch marks, and recover your self-esteem once and for all.  

What are the types of stretch marks and how to fight them? 

Stretch marks are divided into a few groups, which we'll list right now.

Stretch marks can be classified according to their color. But whether for any of them, the BeautVip Cel, is always ready to fight them since before their appearance. This incredible gel for body use, became one of the most famous among the famous and the influencers in Brazil, because with just a few daily applications, it can restore vitality and elasticity to the skin.  

Cellulite is also not left out, as it is able to eliminate the famous holes in the skin, making it smooth and soft again. On the market, there are several other products with that same promise. However, only BeautVip can prove the results, through positive reports, regarding the effectiveness of this product.  

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However, before you start the treatment, it is necessary that we show you, what are the types of stretch marks, and how they can manifest in your body. So keep connected with us, to find out a little more about the best cosmetic procedure for stretch marks. 

Red or purple streaks: 

This is known as the initial stage of stretch marks, as there is still blood flow between them. Because the tissue hasn't been completely damaged yet, they are a little “easier” to be treated, and ideally, look for solutions before it moves to the next stage.  

white streaks:  

The next phase of red streaks or purple, are white streaks, which are characterized by the absence of blood and damage to the skin. To get rid of this type of stretch mark, a little more aggressive treatments are needed. 

wide streaks: 

These stretch marks are characterized by their length and depth. To get rid of them, you need an aesthetic procedure for stretch marks, which can penetrate them from the outside, and then inside. 

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What is the best cosmetic procedure for stretch marks? 


In this aesthetic procedure to stimulate the production of collagen and other actives, the professional will use small needles, which will penetrate the skin little by little, to inject actives that can eliminate stretch marks. From purple and reddish streaks, to whitish, all can be fought up to 80%, except for the deeper streaks, which need a little more aggressive treatment. 

Fractional CO2 leisure: 

Another great aesthetic procedure to stimulate collagen production is the famous fractional CO2 leisure. It carries this name, because in this aesthetic treatment for stretch marks, some leisure beams are applied, which increase the heat in the region, causing an increase in collagen and elastin reserves.  

CO2 leisure is considered one of the best treatments you can find on the market, because in a single session, it is possible to fight 30% from stretch marks. Some women can undergo even 6 sessions, depending on the state in which the stretch marks are. Stretch marks in a more advanced state, such as white for example, can be fought with this procedure.  

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THE subsidy it is an aesthetic procedure for stretch marks, a little more invasive. It is suitable for wide stretch marks and white streaks, as it acts deeply on the skin. In it, the professional will create a small trauma in the dermis, so that collagen and elastin can accelerate its production. However, results can only be noticed 30 to 60 days after the procedure.

How to avoid the appearance of stretch marks? 

With some practices, you can avoid the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite too.

In addition to the constant use of the BeautVip Cel, you can use other care to fight stretch marks. One of the most recommended ways is with weight control and healthier eating. Skin distensions are the main cause of stretch marks, as it is from them that skin lesions occur. Multivitamins that contain collagen are perfect for those who want to avoid having to do any cosmetic procedure for stretch marks.

Therefore, avoid fatty foods, which will interfere with good blood circulation, and bet on a healthier lifestyle, based on the consumption of natural actives, which can stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Making an aesthetic procedure for stretch marks can even guarantee their combat, but the ideal is to prevent them from appearing with good feeding practices. 

That's all for now, we hope you have understood, which is the most suitable esthetic procedure for stretch marks for you. Until next time, and keep following us for these and other feminine beauty tips.