Acne: These Foods Could Be the Cause

Acne is an inflammation of the oily skin, whatWhen the sebaceous glands and hair follicles are blocked and sebum secretion increases, blackheads and acne occur.

It can be caused by many factors such as genetics, hormonal and mental illnesses. However, food also directly affects your appearance.

This is because our bodies act like interconnected machines, so eating food affects the function of the entire body.

To talk about foods that can cause acne, nutritionist Andrea Quidute Sampaio, member of the Brazilian Society of Nutrition.

Dermatologist Abdo Salomão Jr., effective partner of the Brazilian Academy of Dermatology and member of the American Academy of Dermatology. 

Check the following foods, as well as being consumed in excess, they can contribute to the appearance of acne.

Breads, Pasta, Cookies

Without a doubt, foods that contain white powder in their ingredients are some of the main causes of illnesses inflammatory skin conditions.

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The reason is that these ingredients are rich in simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, which can increase insulin production.

Andrea said that this substance is beneficial for the production of androgens, hormones that cause the secretion of sebum.

In other words, they stimulate the skin to excrete large amounts of oil and sebum, which increases the likelihood of acne.

Fried food

Fried foods and other foods rich in fat help in the appearance of acne.

That's because foods high in fat end up irritating the skin and producing more fat through the sebaceous glands.

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Abdo Salomão Jr., member of the Brazilian Academy of Dermatology and member of gym American Dermatology, said:

"In addition, fried foods and other foods increase cholesterol and triglycerides, which are harmful to health."

After all, diets high in fat can also cause the release of inflammatory substances.

This can be directly or indirectly related to the appearance of acne.

Milk, cheese and yoghurt

Normally, feeding on milk is also related to the appearance of acne.

According to Andrea, there are many bioavailable hormones in milk that can stimulate the glands to secrete oilier secretions.


O cocoa, main ingredient of chocolate, is not a villain, however, the other ingredients of chocolate like sugar, milk and fat.

As well as being harmful for people who want to keep their skin healthy.

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Cocoa powder is a source of magnesium and tryptophan, magnesium and tryptophan are beneficial nutrients that stimulate the body to produce endorphins.

Serotonin and are responsible for the happiness and pleasure of the body, explained Andrea.

Expert advice is to choose foods with a high cocoa content and especially moderate consumption of candies.

Red meat

The high concentration of omega 6 in red meat, a substance that has a pro-inflammatory effect, can manifest itself in the skin.

In addition, this meat usually contains a lot of saturated fat, which is also harmful to the skin's health.

He said, the best meat for anyone who wants to avoid acne is fish, like salmon and boyfriends.

I suggest people include it on the menu three times a week, as long as they don't fry chicken, it's healthy.

Nutrients that help those who want to get rid of acne

To really eliminate acne, the ideal is a balanced diet, in addition to lean proteins, but also rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.