Sculptra for cellulite: The method that promises to end cellulite

Complaints about cellulite, flaccidity grow every day and with them, the search for a resolution. Because of this, the technology to treat these problems also advances. The changes in the skin, such as the decrease in elasticity, usually start after the age of 35, bringing with them the concern with appearance. Like it or not, changes related to our body directly affect our self-esteem, so care is frequent. A great treatment for this problem is the cellulite sculptra.

Cellulite does not come with a scheduled date and can affect anyone. But sagging skin usually comes along with age, and when we don't take care of it in advance, the treatment can be a little longer and more complicated.

The best way is to pay attention to the care now. And I know something perfect for that. BeautVip! This is the ideal product for our care, because it has a capsule, ideal for skin care, restoring the skin's elasticity and leaving it much more hydrated. And there's the BeautVip Cel. A body gel that treats cellulite, eliminating the orange peel look and leaving your skin even more beautiful. The perfect pair, right?

What is cellulite sculptra?

Get to know the sculptra now and how it works.

The cellulite sculpt is a procedure that is still not very well known that aims to promote collagen biostimulation. This method has been much sought after and presented to more and more patients and performed in different parts of the world.

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How does cellulite sculptra work?

As with every Sculptra treatment, this one is done through injections through the body. The injections are Polylactic Acid and are given in places that were previously marked. It is necessary to do a body mapping to mark the places that need attention.

A local anesthesia is applied and the procedure begins. It is a painless treatment, however, it can cause irritability in people with increased skin sensitivity. Anesthesia makes the discomfort lessen or completely cease for most of the process.

After the application of Polylactic acid, it is necessary that the applied area is massaged intensively so that the product can be better distributed and thus bring the desired results to the patient. This should last between 30 and 40 minutes and may vary from person to person.

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The patient is not hospitalized, as there is no need. It can return to normal life and resume daily activities even after application. Although the treatment is painless, in some cases, depending on the skin, pain and discomfort may arise, so, in this case, more rest is necessary for up to 4 days.

The applied product treats and prevents sagging, restructuring and bringing improvements to the body and its contour and promoting a lifting effect. The sculpting process for cellulite is done after a professional evaluation and can be extended to two or three sessions. The amount of product applied will depend on the objective.

Advantages of the Cellulite Sculptor

In addition to being a minimally invasive method, it is safe and fast. The product used in the cellulite sculptra is a substance that the body itself produces, that is, it is biocompatible and biodegradable, which means that it does not harm the body. The action of Polylactic Acid is through the stimulation of cells in the region where it was applied, causing the formation of new collagen, improving the quality of the skin.

How long does the cellulite sculptra last?

The effects of the cellulite sculptra are longer lasting than other procedures. It is usually completely eliminated from the body after 18 months, but its effect lasts for approximately three years, however, the result appears slower and does not show results immediately.

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Care after the procedure

As already mentioned, a rest period is not necessary unless there is discomfort, so the patient can return to activities. For best results, it is recommended that you exercise frequently and maintain a balanced diet.

Before and after Sculptra

The sculptra is an excellent treatment, but it doesn't work like the usual procedures.

The structure of the skin changes from person to person, so the number of sessions will be determined by the doctor. After the conclusion of all sessions, the result is not immediate, but soon the skin will appear more elastic, smooth and cellulite less deep, will disappear. The result of the procedure can only be seen after the third or fourth week after the last session, so be patient.


The sculptra has no serious contraindications. But people with allergies should not take this treatment. Consult a doctor so that he can recommend a similar procedure and to guide you in a safe way.

Sculptra's complications are minimal and only occur when the chosen professional is not properly qualified to carry out this process. When done improperly, it can result in swelling, blemishes or even infections. Look for an experienced and trustworthy professional. Meet other types of sculptor.