Hair Type 4: Tips, care and everything you need to know

Taking on natural hair is something very difficult, mainly because of expectations and aesthetic pressure. But there are still those who choose to go through the hair transition and assume their natural, even if it is not a simple choice. Often, those who go through the hair transition do not have knowledge about their own hair, so today we will talk about one of the types of hair in the curly and curly world, hair type 4. Does your hair fit this type? See:

Regardless of your hair type, care is essential. Hair health also implies self-care and self-esteem, and from this the BeautVip understand well, because self-care is your priority.

How do I know if my hair is type 4?

Here's how to find out what your hair type is.

The transition process has a lot to do with self-knowledge and self-care, and the change in the texture of the hair, and also during the process, the double texture of the hair implies a lot about self-esteem. Type 4 hair is the group of frizzy hair with small waves and no wave pattern. It has little definition and a lot (much) shrinkage factor.

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Type 4 hair tends to be more dry, so keeping a hair schedule is very important. The textures of this type of hair can vary a lot, but the strands are always thinner and not less cuticle layers, so it has less protection, which is why hydration is so important.

Type 4a, 4b and 4c

Still within the hair type 4 group, we still have the sub groups. The difference between each is the wave pattern the wire has.

Type 4a: hair of this type has a tighter curl, greater elasticity and an S-shape. Type 4a hair has very small curl circumferences, for this reason, the shrinkage factor is greater.

Type 4b: following another “Z” pattern, this type has a tight curl. The shrinkage factor is so high, the hair may appear to be only ¼ the actual size.

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Type 4c: this type may or may not have definition in the curls. The shrinkage factor is also present in hair type 4 c

Tips to keep hair type 4 healthy

Type 4 hair needs more attention, as it tends to be drier hair precisely because of the strand texture. Root oils, which are what protects the strands, cannot reach the ends because of the curls in the hair.

Type 4a:

  • Bet on shampoos that have castor bean or mameluca essential oils in their composition.
  • Knife co-washing or use pre shampoo
  • Use denser oils on the length and ends of the locks
  • Hydrate frequently.

Type 4b:

  • Knife pre-poo with natural oils such as coconut oil, castor oil or mameluca oil, for example.
  • Prefer the use of hairstyles that do not require the use of heat stylers.
  • Use cotton or microfiber fabrics to dry your hair.
  • Wear satin caps or pillowcases to reduce frizz.
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Type 4c

  • Moisten the wires to increase protection
  • Wear satin caps to protect your hair
  • Use co-washing or pre-poo
  • Choose to untangle the strands during the co-washing/pre-poo process

other care

Tips to take care of the frizz

Look for products specific to your hair type. When washing, look for shampoos without sulfates and with natural marula oils, shea butter, castor oil, mameluca, for example. Creams should be white (preferably) and denser in consistency. Pay attention to the label.

 Moisturize and nourish your hair frequently. Research and make homemade hydration to enhance the protection of your hair. Use wooden combs and wide teeth to help with definition and reduce frizz.

On completion

For a good finish, you need to understand your hair preferences. Use vegetable oils, gelatins (homemade flaxseed gelatin is a great option). Curl activating creams specific to your hair type. Tape or bet on the dedoliss technique.


Wear a lot of bandanas and turbans, they look great. Make different hairstyles like pineapple bun and others. Wear satin caps for the day after, this way it will last longer and the strands won't get tangled and frizzy. Use thermal protectors.