Is sleeping with oil in your hair bad? Find out the answer in this article!

Atualmente, conseguimos descobrir diversas receitas caseiras que promete deixar os nossos fios mais bonitos e hidratados, como é o caso da umectação. No entanto, pode ser que você se pergunte se dormir com óleo no cabelo faz mal ou se traz benefícios. Isso e muito mais você vai descobrir nesse artigo.

A simple and efficient way to keep your tresses always healthy is to use the BeautyVip Hair, uma vez que ao mesmo tempo em que ele proporciona o crescimento dos fios, deixa-os mais hidratados, nutridos, brilhosos e selados.

But if you want to combine the capsule treatment with some other procedure, such as wetting, you must first know if sleeping with oil in your hair is bad for you. To check the answer to this and other questions, just continue with this article.

Is sleeping with oil in your hair bad?

It is not uncommon to find recipes with vegetable oil that recommend using it at night and removing it only the next day, in the morning. However, while there are women who notice positive effects, there are others who say they do not notice such positive things.

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And that's one of the main reasons women wonder if sleeping with oil in their hair is bad for them. In fact, to understand this question, it is necessary to analyze some points.

When we talk about hair oil, it is essential that you understand that not all of them can be applied to the locks. Unfortunately, some end up leaving the kitchen oil on hair all night long, and obviously that will hurt.

Yes, you can sleep with oil on your hair, but as long as you use a proper one for hair hydration and nutrition. Night wetting itself does not pose any risk, but as long as you perform this procedure correctly.

What oil should I use on my hair?

Vegetables only, never cooking oil or similar. However, it is necessary to pay attention to another issue. When buying a vegetable oil, always keep an eye on the label to know all the components.

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This is because, if there is any remnant or addition of silicone or other minerals, we do not recommend its use. Hair oil should be vegetable 100%, without any other components.

Sleeping with oil in your hair is bad
Is sleeping with oil in your hair bad?

Of course if you use castor oil, for example, it will have some minerals. However, it is a natural part of the oil, not an addition. What we are talking about is just for you to avoid using oils that add a component that is not intrinsic to the oil itself.

How should I use oil on hair to sleep?

To sleep with oil in your hair, and to ensure that you will not have any problems, it is essential that you perform this procedure properly. First of all, as the oil will act overnight, it is important that you do not mix it with another product.

Some people, to enhance the result, add a few drops of oil to the hydration mask, for example, but this is wrong. After all, the action time of the mask is one, and that of the oil, another.

How should I use oil on hair to sleep
To use oil on hair while sleeping, you cannot mix it with any other product.

Other than that, you can use any vegetable oil for hair, but as long as it is suitable, without adding other components. That is, pure 100%. Knowing this, the way of application is as follows:

  1. At night, before bed and with dirty hair, spread the vegetable oil of your choice throughout the hair;
  2. Generally, it is recommended that you pay special attention to the roots and tips, which are often the ones that are most in need;
  3. Apply strand by strand to ensure all hair gets oiled;
  4. Wrap some fabric or cap in your hair to avoid soiling your pillow;
  5. When you wake up, get up and wash your hair first thing in the morning in cold or warm water;
  6. Use a shampoo and condition to remove all the oil from the hair;
  7. Allow to dry naturally and finish as usual.
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While the oil is in the hair, it will hydrate and create a protective layer to the hair, closing the cuticles and making the hydration be retained for longer. So, it is recommended to do this procedure every 15 days or once a month, depending on how damaged your hair is.

Furthermore, it is essential that you wash it in the morning with warm or cold water. Because, as we said, the oil helps to seal the cuticles. However, if you douse the strands in hot water, the cuticle will open again and you will have done the nocturnal wetting in vain.