Foods for hair loss: reducing hair loss

Alimentos para queda de cabelo ajudam na redução da capillary drop, então sem mais delongas vamos no aprofundar nesse assunto

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hair loss

Muitos mulheres, tem dificuldade em criar uma dieta equilibrada, com os alimentos corretos, e quando isso ocorre, muitas deles recorrem a suplementação para conciliar com alimentos mais saudáveis no dia a dia a fim de conseguirem driblar a capillary drop.

Sabendo de tudo isso, separamos para vocês, os melhores alimentos para queda de cabelo, caso você esteja passando por esse problema aterrorizante, e não sabe mais o que fazer:


REPRODUÇÃO: Blog Tudo Gostoso

Those who want to gain mass faster always end up resorting to the good old egg. However, this food is not just for that, as it is a great source of biotin, which stimulates the production of keratin, which is one of the proteins that form the threads.

In addition, zinc and selenium are also present, helping hair growth and revitalizing hair. Egg is a versatile food, and one of the best foods for hair loss, so consume it daily.

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Like oats, soybeans are considered a super grain. And no wonder, as it contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, necessary for the proper functioning of the body and for stimulate hair growth.

One of the key factors in hair loss is the lack of protein for the hair follicles. Soy comes to solve this problem in the body, promoting the increase of proteins, leaving your hair strong and healthy. Also, let's not forget about isoflavones, which increase the hydration of the scalp directly from the root.



“Eat fish my daughter, it's good for your health”, I'm sure you've heard this phrase in your childhood, or even in adolescence, coming out of the mouths of our mothers or grandmothers. And isn't it that they were right? Because fish (especially those that live in cold water), are rich in Omega 3, iron, vitamin B12, and proteins, thus, great allies for the growth and strengthening of locks.

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Fish are great foods for hair loss as they help with its growth and keep the root strong. So always try to add some sardines, tuna or salmon to your diet.

Batata Doce

Batata Doce
REPRODUÇÃO: Escola Educação

Sweet potato is another great food consumed daily by those who want to gain mass quickly. However, consuming sweet potato helps in the health of the hair, as it is a great supplier of vitamin C and carbohydrates, as well as biotin, which helps in the formation of hair.

Sweet potatoes are very versatile, and can be used in a variety of recipes, and this is very positive, as you will have no difficulty without making them your most consumed hair loss food every day.



Rosemary, in addition to being a great seasoning for meat (especially fresh), is one of the great allies in combating hair loss. This plant helps to combat hair loss, by eliminating excessive oiliness from the scalp and the formation of dandruff.

Caso você não saiba, é possível fazer chá com alecrim, que além  de combater a queda de cabelo, ainda te ajuda a ser mais saudável.

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Carrots, when consumed daily, become a great source of nutrients for locks. It is rich in vitamins A and E, which are essential for the hair to become healthy, and to keep hair loss away.

It's no use saying you don't like carrots, as they can be consumed in different ways. Whether in rice, salad or juice, carrots are one of the best foods for hair loss, so whenever possible, include them in your diet.


REPRODUÇÃO: Laticinios Holandes

Quer ter cabelos e ossos super saudáveis? Então o leite é o alimento certo para você.

O leite além de ser super nutritivo, possuí vitaminas A, B1, B2, B6 e B12. Além de proporcionar mais fósforo, potássio, magnésio e proteínas no seu organismo.

Nossos cabelos caem devido a diversos fatores, e um dos maiores é a deficiência vitamínica, que não deixa estrutura suficiente para que os cabelos permaneçam presos ao couro cabeludo.

Por isso, consuma todos os alimentos citados acima, aliado sempre com uma alimentação saldável.