How to lighten armpit: learn homemade recipes

Many women suffer from various insecurities, whether with their hair, their skin, or even their weight. However, many of them also suffer from dark underarms, and other parts of the body. So today we are going to teach here some homemade recipes on how to lighten the armpit, and we will also explain to you some reasons that can make them dark and stained. If you suffer from this problem, stay here and write down these tips that can make a difference to your skin, but don't worry, dark underarms are not a problem! If you have them like this and don't see a problem, keep it up, beautiful and free of stereotypes!

Do you know why armpits darken? find it out

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How to lighten your armpits:

Now let's start talking about what really matters, do you know why the armpits darken? Let's talk about them now.

Hair removal:

Did you know that one of the reasons that can darken the armpits is the different types of hair removal? Whether with cold wax or hot wax, or even with the famous blades, this can all influence. It ends up that the depilations unbalance the skin and even hurt it, so the armpit and other shaved regions end up darkening.

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The use of deodorants with alcohol or even deodorants that are not best for the skin can end up darkening the underarm skin. So in any sign of darkening that bothers you or any allergy, discontinue use and seek help from a dermatologist or even an allergist. It's not worth risking your health, it's better to look for one that suits you.

Now that you know some of the reasons why your underarms darken, it's time to find out how to lighten your armpits, with some homemade recipes and some tips we'll give you, you'll find an alternative that you like and that makes a difference in your skin. Grab your notebook and write down these valuable tips on how to lighten your armpits and homemade recipes to lighten your armpits.

Bicarbonate and rose milk

For the first recipe you'll need just two super-easy-to-find ingredients at a hyper-affordable price! In a small can mix two tablespoons of baking soda and twenty ml of rose milk until you get a homogeneous mixture. With the armpits clean, apply the mixture and let it act for fifteen minutes, then rinse the area with warm water and finish using a moisturizing cream to recover and moisturize the skin. This is just one of the tips on how to lighten your armpits, so let's move on to the next one.

Learn a whitening oat scrub.

Oat Scrub

This is another tip on how to lighten armpits, so write it down now! For this recipe you will need four ingredients, so learn to make this little mix that can be miraculous to lighten your armpits. In a container mix one tablespoon of powdered milk, one tablespoon of cornmeal, one tablespoon of oatmeal and thirty ml of milk. After mixing everything very well, apply the paste in the already cleaned armpits and massage well. You should leave it for 15 minutes and then remove it well using soap and warm water. This recipe can definitely help you on how to lighten your armpit.

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white clay

This recipe to lighten underarms is certainly great and also very affordable, you will only need white clay, rosehip oil and saline solution. Want to learn how to lighten armpit? Do this step-by-step: mix a tablespoon of white clay, three drops of rosehip oil and two tablespoons of water in a container. After the mixture is done, apply it to the already cleaned armpits and let it act for at least fifteen minutes. After the time of action of this natural lightener, remove completely from the body using warm water and soap. In this case, it is necessary to remember that clay sucks the skin's oils, this can end up drying your armpits and bring an unwanted result, so always after this treatment apply a powerful moisturizer in the area where you applied the bleach.

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Now that you know more about how to lighten your armpits and learned some tips to lighten your armpits, just apply the one that you liked the most and that is best for you. Remembering that if you don't have any results with the homemade recipes on how to lighten your armpit, it is better to seek the help of a professional to show you the deodorant right and even give you the best results to lighten your armpits. Remembering that you can apply the revenues indicated above up to twice a week and use our tips on how to lighten the armpit!