Clay Skincare: Discover Its Benefits

Today we are going to talk about clay skincare, for sure you have already been or are even worried about your facial skin and your health, because of that you start looking for solutions so that the skin can breathe again and have that beauty back and thin skin, but what you least expect is that clay can be a great ally for facial skin. Because of that, today we will show you what it is, each type, how to use it, its benefits and even what it is for. 

Before continuing, we will recommend you a product that is most loved by people because of its benefits. If you want to further enhance the care of the components of the face, we also have the so vain hair. Because of that, we're going to talk about the BeautyVip Hair, a huge partner for people, whether female or male. BeautVip Hair will guarantee you a more voluminous hair and also an incredible shine.  

It helps in the growth of your locks, making it grow quickly, not to mention the strengthening it gives to your hair, bringing a firmer look, and finally it will help you fight against falling out, avoiding all that worry. and everyday stress related to falls. So go immediately after BeautVip Hair, don't worry, it has proven efficacy and will certainly help you in your search for the health and appearance of your hair. 

What is skin care clay?

What is this skin care routine for?

Returning to clay skincare, have you ever stopped to think that a simple rock component can become a great ally in the quest for facial health and beauty? Well, clay ends up being a natural 100% product, preventing you from looking for and using extremely chemical products. Clay itself has different types of sizes, colors and essential benefits for you to get that healthy facial skin again, so pay close attention to details about clay skincare. 

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Don't think that such varied colors only serve to give a different aesthetic, quite the contrary, each color has its own benefits, also benefiting the body and your hair, as well as the skin, of course, but don't worry we'll get you show the different types and benefits of each existing pain. 

Starting for example with the presence of alkaline pH, some clays can contain alkaline pH in their composition, but what can this cause and what will it help you? Well, alkaline pH helps in deep cleansing, with an even higher rate of effectiveness on the scalp. But don't think that the benefits are only aimed at cleaning or beauty, they also help to restore health to your skin, body and hair, such as its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying assets. 

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Clay, whether you like it or not, remains one of the best natural products for skin care, especially in the face region and including hair. The clay skincare routine along with the other cares is strictly necessary for you who care and need to take care of your skin. Clay stands out among other products, even natural ones, because of its varied benefits and especially its cost-effectiveness, having a much more affordable value compared to other skincare products. 

Since we're talking a lot about all of its different types and colors, you must surely be wondering which clay type suits you best. Because of this, most people do not know which is the most suitable clay for each type of person and this ends up being one of the most common doubts about clays, but don't worry, we'll show you in detail. 

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White clay:

Starting with white clay skincare, white clay has several benefits, with the main hydrating and illuminating actions. The white clay itself ends up being the softest among the others and also has a great power to hide spots, especially sun spots, because of that, it ends up helping a lot of people who suffer from these undesirable spots on our face, such as melasma, for example. 

Green clay:

The green clay stands out more for its incredible ability to fight acne, because of this, it has become the best known and most popular among the others. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and also astringent actives. It has a fundamental role in controlling oiliness and contains in its composition the following components: silicon, iron, potassium and zinc, resulting in an incredible purification for your skin. 

Each type of clay has a use.

red clay:

Red clay is extremely important for people, especially because of its ease of use and can be applied to all people, it has a similarity to green clay because of its ability to control oiliness. Red clay skincare is most recommended for people with sensitive skin as it stimulates oxygenation and oxidation of the skin. 

After these valuable tips on using clays in our daily care, you will surely be interested in their application, but don't forget to pay careful attention to the details and which one is best for you.