Frayed bangs cut: understand about this technique that has been the darling of women

Many women have resorted to the shredded bangs cut because it is a charming and modern cut. Some still don't know very well what it is and how to do it, so I'll tell you more about this trend that has also been taking place in the world of celebrities in the future.

If you are thinking of doing the cut with frayed bangs, you have to be careful, like having healthy hair. So you may be using the beautvip hair, which will strengthen your strands, leaving your hair softer and fighting hair loss, as well as providing a deep hydration to the strands.

The end of the frayed fringe cut is very simple, softens the countenance and ensures more balance in the hair, it also harmonizes the features of the face, in other words, it is a great option for those who are looking for some of these effects. Below I will help you choose the perfect shredded bangs cut for you.

Types of shredded bangs cut

See the cut types of the frayed fringe.


This cut is when the fringe is split in half, resembling a curtain. This model can be cut at the height of the nose or eyes and favors those faces that are square in shape. In other words, if you have a square face and are looking to cut with frayed bangs, this might be your ideal cut.

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If you have a long or thin face, this frayed bangs cut might be your ideal cut. It is at the height of the eyebrows, approximately, and can go up to the maximum height of the eyes.

Round face

This frayed bangs cut is literally just for those round faces, as the title above says, as it gives a sharper face effect. It should be done at the height of the chin and mouth, on both sides, so that you can create the promised effect.

Of course, here I've said preferences for some types of faces, but that doesn't stop you from using another type of frayed bangs cut. As I only brought up three options and there may be many more options for you to choose the one that best suits you and your style.

How to cut frayed bangs

Find out how it's done and how to cut frayed bangs.

Now that you know some of the types and have already made the choice of which bangs you identified the most and want to make, look for a professional who is qualified to make the cut satisfactorily, especially if you are curly or frizzy.

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You may be taking the risk of doing the frayed bangs cut at home, but it is very risky and most likely could go wrong. Because sometimes you do it thinking it will be one thing and then have a totally different result from what you were looking for. Mainly for curly, because the shrinkage factor is there.

If you still want to do it alone, try to do it together with someone who has some experience with the subject, use scissors standing up against the ends, making some cuts according to the size you have chosen for the fringe model. 

When your bangs are oily and you're in a hurry, it's not necessary to wash your hair to get it straightened out, you can just wash the bangs in the sink and then dry them off, use a straight strand brush or a diffuser for women who are curly and curly.

You may also be using from dry shampoo, in those days that are more hectic. If your bangs are shorter, you can be doing a touch-up every fortnight, and always keep an eye out so that the result is always flawless.

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If you choose to do it in a salon and then want to continue with the fringe, then yes, you can be doing the maintenance yourself. Use scissors and as I taught earlier, leave it against the wires and then go on unraveling.

But why is maintenance alone better than doing the cut itself? Because if you already had the cut, you know the right parameter that it has to be in your face, that is, it's like you were going to paint a drawing where it already had lines indicating where the painting's limit is, so, much easier.

You may be using products that help to fight the oiliness if your hair, so you avoid that your bangs are always oily, because you know that this is common is occurring. It is important to remember that the best way to be doing the cut of frayed bangs is with a professional who is qualified.

Now you understand more about this technique and know how to use it to your advantage, choose the one that best suits you, you may be asking friends and family for their opinion to find out which they think is best, but always choose the one you like. feel good and don't let just because you asked for their opinion, you should do it.